Flamenco Dance Miami - Celia Fonta - Paco Fonta -Private Lessons and Performance

Celia Fonta and Paco Fonta perform Flamenco dance in Miami

Siempre Flamenco Spanish Dance Company.

Celia Fonta teaches Flamenco Dance at Florida International University and is available for private lessons.


Paco Fonta teaches private guitar lessons by appointment only.


Recortes de Prensa pdf

What the critics have to say about Siempre Flamenco , Celia Fonta and Paco Fonta

Miami Herald
"The best part of the program was guitarist Paco Fonta's pristine, unblemished rendering of the classical tour de force Asturias, by Isaac Albeniz,, and his elegant Bulerias de Lebrija."
Laurie Horn

Star Tribune, Minneapolis
Celia Fonta is earthy concentration. In "Taranto," she kicks up her heels, swings her arms overhead and propels herself across the stage with a rapid-fire cascade of footwork."
Camille LeFevre

Chicago Sun Times

American Spanish Dance Festivals "Flamenco Passion" Gala Concert

"One of the most distinguished dancers on the program was Celia Fonta, a petite firebrand with flashing eyes and charismatic stage presence. Her extended solo, which she also choreographed, was inspired by the dances of the port city of Cadiz, and was exuberant and full of beautiful rhythmic shadings."
Hedy Weiss

Chicago Sun Times
Ensemble Espanol Spanish Dance Theatre

"Another premier, "Solea por Buleria," was one of the most exhilarating moments of the evening, with dancer-choreographer Celia Fonta plunging her heels deep into the floor while paradoxically giving the appearance of remaining airborne."
Lucia Mauro

Entertainment News and Views
Broward Informer

Ballet Flamenco La Rosa celebrates its 10th anniversary season
"This was followed by Solea, it was a Celia Fonta solo, and she brought down the house with her superb rendition of this classic flamenco."
Buddy Clarke

El Nuevo Herald

Ballet Flamenco la Rosa,
"But the best part of the show was Solea, danced and choreographed by Celia Fonta Celia has a powerful earthiness that is needed of traditional pure song flamenco dancers. Her dance is bound to the floor with her limitless footwork, her arms and torso marking the silence of a cry that will remain in ones memory forever."
Armando Correa

Recortes de Prensa pdf


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Para mas information
e-mail: Siempre Flamenco

Tel 305-866-4387

Siempre Flamenco is a not-for-profit 501 (c3) Tax deductible arts organization

Warning: Reproduction, distribution or exhibition of these images
without permission by artist is a copyright infringement.
Images © Celia and Paco Fonta 2005

This site maintained and created by Julie Richman for Siempre Flamenco
©Julie Richman 2006